Seller Services Guarantee

Seller Services Guarantee


Competitive Market Analysis

We will provide you with a current Competitive Market Analysis and assist you in determining the most effective list price for your property.

Marketing Action Plan

We will present a customized, written Marketing Action Plan to market your property. This may include an Open House, when appropriate, or other options like the Homebuyer Ready program.

Home Enhancement

We will develop a plan to enhance your property's ability to attract buyers, as described in the Coldwell Banker Home Enhancement Guide.

Coldwell Banker Action Team

We will present your property to your Coldwell Banker sales team. We will share with you the team's recommendations to help realize the best price for your property.

Promotion to Other Brokers

We will promote your property to other Brokers and Sales Associates in the area.

Multiple Listing Service

We will prepare a plan for your property to appear in the local Multiple Listing Service. The information will be submitted by the selected date for the property's debut on the market to achieve maximum impact.

Direct Marketing

We will distribute promotional materials on your property to key market areas to attract potential buyers.

Coldwell Banker Yard Sign

We will place a Coldwell Banker Yard sign on your property to help generate calls to our office from prospective buyers.

National and Local Advertising

We will review with you how our national and local Internet, print radio and TV advertising will help attract the greatest number of buyers to your property.

We will make information about your property available on our award-winning Web site, and promote it online - 24/7 - with our unique resource, Home Finder.

Home Finding Process

We will review the Coldwell Banker HomeBuyer Guidebook with you to acquaint you with the home finding and buying process from property selection to closing procedures.

Marketing Activity Report

We will provide you with a Marketing Activity Report on a regular basis to keep you informed of competitive market conditions, buyer activity and the actions we have taken to market your property.

Customer Service

Personal and Timely Response

We will return your phone call or e-mail within 24 hours or less and provide you with a weekly progress report on the promotion of and sale of your property.


Financing Alternatives

Prior to showing your property, we will encourage prospective buyers or their representatives to get written loan pre-approval. We will also discuss the impact of various financing alternatives with you.

Estimated Net Proceeds

We will furnish you with an estimate of the proceeds you can expect from the sale of your property.

Counseling Services


We will review with you how we will represent you for the transaction. This will be discussed and clearly presented for your consideration.

Other Services

Coldwell Banker Home Protection Plan®

We will provide you with information regarding a warranty on the operating systems of your house to increase the marketability of your property and help reduce your liability to the buyer.

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